We are pleased to announce the first of our two fall events before our charitable giving holiday event. The first will be a luncheon on September 26th where we will meet with Executive Directors of nonprofits that are committed (ideally) to women’s and/or girls issues and who in fact may end up being contenders (their organizations, that is) for our charitable giving at year’s end. We want to invite you and encourage you to bring an ED from a NP that you believe in and that you think would potentially benefit from our good vibes, expertise, feedback, and, ultimately, our money :). It will be a round table, where we will hear from each of the EDs, including their current passions and needs, and we will give them feedback and love (maybe not in that order!). Please let us know of anyone you can invite and forward them this invite to register themselves (or you can register for them as your guest). We’re hoping for at least 5 EDs to attend, if not more. It will be a catered lunch at the offices of Bernstein Wealth Management in Century City. We can’t wait to see you after a relaxing (HA!) summer.
Parking Information for Attendees/Guests Parking in the building is expensive; a recommended alternative is to park in the Century City Mall.
P.S. Please save the date of November 7th at 12 noon in Santa Monica for our following event with Laurie Brucker, the branding maven with her trademark journey into the art and science of style or "Stylepowerment". With Laurie's help, we will explore and reimagine each of our styles to define our best presentation of ourselves as women and changemakers in the nonprofit arena. Does your style match your personal and work goals? Come dressed in your "brand" to the event and find out!